Ivy Gate is a small, experienced college-advisory business that caters to the needs of Korean students who are competitive undergraduate/graduate applicants. We offer supportive, practical, and low-key counseling to help Korean students determine and pursue the right academic programs for them.

- Bilingual/bi-cultural support
- Private, highly personalized, strategic college admissions guidance
- Partnerships with the region’s top essay coaches and financial aid specialists

For the Korean population, Ivy implies “dream college,” whatever that may mean to each student and family. Our name (Ivy Gate) is meant to draw attention to our services, the quality of which we take seriously, and provide honestly and ethically. Ivy speaks equally to our quality of service and to students’ generalized ambitions.

There would be no viability for us as a service if we promised admissions results (which we wouldn’t), whether to an Ivy League school or elsewhere, and failed to deliver. A student who is qualified for a brand-name school may find a better fit at a lesser-known but equally competitive and rigorous institution. Some students may be competitive for the “big” schools, but our understanding of admissions counseling and expectations is more nuanced than this single approach allows for.

As such, Ivy Gate introduces Korean students and parents to competitive liberal arts colleges, honor programs, and specialty programs, including 6-8 years combined medical/dental programs, that they may not have heard about. Because the view of admissions is necessarily foreshortened from abroad, we seek to help students and families navigate their choices of schools geographically, financially, and administratively, beyond the small scope of schools that they usually have in mind at the beginning of the admissions process.

Mi Yoo, College Admissions Coach (Phone) 732-245-0866 (미국) (Phone) 010-9432-0866 (한국) (Email) info@ivygate.net